I've gone through many iterations of an Emergency Fund in YNAB. What I've finally settled on is a master "MURPHY SAVINGS" Emergency Fund category group and categories with the different types of "emergencies":
Income Replacement Fund
This is your emergency fund for when you lose your job. Or in my case as a freelance worker, when my current gig ends. I only get paid when I work (and this Thanksgiving week I'm not working) so it's good to have extra money to fill in the gaps. 3 to 6 months of expenses is what I'm aiming for so I at least need to get this back up to $15,000. Maybe I'll get it to $20,000 again in the future.Insurance Deductibles
This is for your auto and home insurance deductibles. Mine are $1000 each. We have 2 cars and a house but the chances of having an emergency for all three at the same time is quite low so I'm thinking $1,000 or $2,000 for this category. I have $2,000 in there now so maybe I'll move $1,000 to one of the others.Housing Emergency Fund
This is for unexpected housing emergencies. Like the refrigerator dying or the pipes bursting in our shower wall which happened this week! I figure I should probably have $2,000 perhaps in here too.How do you handle emergency funds? Is there an emergency fund category I'm forgetting?