Inspired by Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" and the blog Budgets are Sexy, I decided to create this club to help find like minded individuals who can join me on this journey towards a mortgage free life.

Just like how one does better at working out with a partner (or partners), working on paying down our debt together will help us keep at it so we can reach our goal.

Being a freelancer with an unsteady income, the idea of having no payments whatsoever is extremely alluring. We’ve already slayed the debt beast and the only thing left is the mortgage, all $183,256.67 of it as of November 2022.

Without extra payments it’ll be paid off in August of 2037!? I’ll be 61. I want to pay this thing off before I turn 50.

Can I do it? I hope I can. With your pressure and support I will!

How do I join the club?

Register here.

Please be sure to fill in your current mortgage debt, interest rate and term, and the amount of mortgage debt that you have already paid down when you register. That's what the site is about after all!

Be sure to only use numbers and no commas in the "mortgage debt" and "mortgage debt paid" fields.