Having 3 to 6 months of expenses in an Emergency Fund is EXTREMELY important. It'll stop you from reaching for that credit card and going into debt during emergencies such as losing your job or your transmission blowing up. (a GREAT way to figure out your total needed monthly expenses is to use...
Want an easy way to calculate how fast you can pay off your mortgage with extra payments? There are a lot of Mortgage Payoff Calculators out there but I decided to learn something new and create one myself using Google Sheets. After all it's just math? Can't be that hard... right? Right?
What is the best way to use YNAB's Budget Categories? I've been using YNAB since way back when it was on version 3 where it ran on your PC or Mac (so around 2010) so I've gone through a ton of different ideas on category organization....
The default categories that YNAB defaults to are an okay...
NOTE - When this article was originally written in 2015 it referred to the old version of YNAB, YNAB4... a new web based version is out. (which is still awesome - just a little different)
I absolutely love this program. Is it strange to love a financial and budgeting program? Maybe not...
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